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A man enjoys the attention from two sexy ladies
January 9, 2017

Threesomes are a lot of fun. It’s the reason that they sit at the top of almost every sexual bucket list out there and is the ultimate fantasy for so many people. You want to know what it is like to have sex with two people at once.

A man contemplating what it would be like to have a threesome with two sexy ladies
April 11, 2016


A threesome is a sexual fantasy for many. It sits at the top of the kinky bucket list for pretty much everyone in the world… but for some it will never be more than a dream.

February 19, 2016


Everyone has a bucket list of things that they want to do in life, and when you get to the kinky sex area, you’ll usually find one thing in common with most lists: most people want to have a threesome. Threesomes give you the chance to fulfil a fantasy and try something that you might not ever expect to again, and honestly, you won’t have anything quite as unique as threesome fun. It makes for a great sexy memory and is something you won’t forget for a long time to come!

December 2, 2015

Are you wondering if seeing an escort with your partner is a good idea? I am sure this popped in everyone’s heads at least once. But rather than seeing the positive part, many of them immediately made the thought disappear and let the “traditional half” rule their mind!

October 26, 2015

Sharing is caring, right? Or at least this is what your parents taught you and what society keeps trying to make you understand…but do they also refer to your partner? Is it OK to have fantasies about sharing him or her with other people?

September 16, 2014

Curiosity and intrigue is what causes most of us to fabricate the fantasy of a threesome in our minds. Even Katy Perry once sang about her own ‘menage a troi’, the fantasy is one which gives a sense of feeling sexually liberated, but there are still things to consider.