Get articles from industry professionals discussing every aspect of escorting today, as well as some hilarious stories from around the globe.

Woman licks cream from around her mouth
October 13, 2016

If we perpetually gave men blowjobs, we could run the world(Sex in the City). Even though I’m not a big fan of this TV show, I really don’t think men would have any problem giving us the power in exchange of gorgeous blowjobs. So if you want to take the control and have him begging on his knees, just read these tips that will take him to the moon and back!

April 7, 2015


There are women out there who love nothing better than sucking dick. They enjoy doing it, and seeing the look on their partner’s face when they do it (along with the noises they make while they are going at it) is a huge turn on.

February 11, 2015

Social media is an interesting place to be at the moment. On things like Twitter you are constantly assaulted with images or witty comments by others. On Facebook, you see link after link to the latest quiz or “top ten facts” page that you just have to click on.